- Legend -
The main sources of information are:
- NB - Nikkei Biotech, THE source of information about the Japanese biotechnology field, published twice monthly
- NS - Nikkei Shinbun, the third largest Japanes daily newspaper (twice daily)
- AS - Asahi Shinbun, second largest Japanese daily newpaper (twice daily)
- YS - Yomiuri Shinbun, largest Japanese daily newspaper (twice daily)
- NA - Nature, prestigious weekly science journal (Macmillan, GB)
- SC - Science, prestigious weekly science journal (AAAS, USA)
- PI - Primary Information: from non-print sources (presentations, conferences, etc.)
- OT - Others
- Date format: YYMMDD. Thus, 000416NB.18 refers to an article in Nikkei Biotech on April 16, 2000, page 18
- Number Format: Large numbers are given in scientific notation to avoid confusion between the European, American and
Japanese way of counting: 1exp6 or 1 mio. = 1 million, 1exp9 = 1 billion (US), etc.
- [Coment]: Feedback from readers and editorial comments are enclosed in square brackets
- Key: Classifies the article's content. Cathegories are:
- Agro - agrobiotechnology: Transgenic plants etc.
- Asia - biotechnology in southern and eastern Asia, particularly Korea
- Business - profits, expenditures, business aspects
- Clinical - clinical tests and results
- Facilities - new facilities
- Genome - involving genome-wide analysis (DNA chips, SNPs, for example)
- IT - information technology and bioinformatics
- Microbiol - microbiology, eg. biodegradation
- Perspectives - future outlooks and predictions
- Products - commercila products, drugs
- Proteome - protein analysis at large scale, i.e. proteomics methods
- R&D - product development and commercially targetet research
- Regul. - regulatory and administrative issues, patents
- Science - scientific progress
- VC - venture capital
Updated June 11, 2000 by Armin Rump