- News Features -
Bioinformatics in Germany
by Armin Rump, December 2000, occasionally updated.
In December 2000, I had a look at the state of the art of
bioinformatics in Germany (with a strong bias to the South).
Here are links to the most interesting research institutes and
companies. I'll update and add new ones once in a while. If
you have suggestions, let me know, please.
Don't get scared, most links will plunge you right into the interesting
information, skipping the front pages. Ordered by region, going from
South to North.
- Epidauros - SNP analysis
- GSF - Mathematical modelling of ecosystems; Protein structures; etc.
- MIPS, Max Planck Biochemie:
- Expression clustering and
functional classification (Yeast genome)
- EMBL Bork Group and
Lion Bioscience: - DNA sequence motive identification, protein structure prediction, database management and drug target identification
- IWR Biocomp - Simulation of macromolecules
- IWR Bioinf - Data mining, genome analysis and biological image analysis
- DKFZ - DNA structure analysis
- Uni Heidelberg - Image-aided structure analysis of cell nuclei
- Steinbeis - Cytogenetic analysis by FISH imaging, computer-aided image analysis
- Steinbeis - Medical IT, especially image analysis
- GBF - Gene and genome regulation, TRANSFAC transcription factor binding site database
- MDC - Max Delbrueck Center: Various data bases, seqeunce interpretation
- EBI - EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute, Hixton, GB
- Hybrigenics - Proteomics. Paris, France
Other bioinformatics directories
- Bioinformatics Resources is a more general directory of bioinformatics resources worldwide. It's much more fancy and up to date than this page.
Updated Jan.3, 2001 by Armin Rump